On the 12th of July we had a race at RMR here in Salt Lake. It was way hot of course being in the middle of July I believe it was like 97. Anyway poor Joe has to wear is 3 layer driving suit plus another layer of long sleeved fire retardant thermals. O so hot plus the inside car temp is like 115 degrees. HOT! But this is his hobby and I love it but o it's hot. Can we say lake here I come.
We did okay all day we were just a little bit off. It was a crash fest. I have no idea what is up with the racers in our series lately but it's gotta stop. We usually never have a crash fest in our series but this year is different.
We made it through the night with no major damage. The only way is by Joe being so experienced other wise we would have been toast for sure. We finished 12th I believe out of 20 cars. Not great but we don't have to replace body panels or the car.
Unfortunately Nathan wrecked his car in practice and we didn't get it repaired in time for the main. And yes he is ok, just a little sore.