Monday, December 15, 2008

Clyde's Babies....

As many of you have known Clyde and his girlfriend Cassi have been expecting. Well yesterday at about 7pm we were notified that we were officially grandparents of 8 baby schnauzers. 6 white n 2 gray, I can not wait to go see them!

Clyde the proud papa.
If you know anyone who would be in the need of Clydes services let us know.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have saw a handful of different fun "Tags" on other blogs and I thought these would be fun to do.

5 Things MemeFirst, the rules
1. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment letting them know they've been tagged and to ask them to play along and to read your blog.

What I was doing ten years ago...
1-Wow! I was a Freshman in School
2-Having fun with my friends, mostly Danielle
3-Just meet Joe
4-Fighting with my parents
5-Having some of the most fun ever.

Five things on my to-do list today...
1-Work extra hours to make up for the Holiday
2-Finish Holiday Vinyl
4-Spend time with Joe
5-Update my blog

Five things I would do if I was a billionaire...
1-Pay off my debt
2- Save for Retirement
3-Help those less fortunate
4-Go Shopping.
5-Help Animals

Five of my bad habits....
Five places I have lived....
3- Tooele

Five jobs I've had....
2-Secretary at SLCC
3- Realtor
3-Medical Biller
4-Catch all for Joe n Miriah (Mom)

Reina & Tera I tag you.!!!!