First things first. A car at the shop became a pain in the ass, they'd fix one thing and another would go wrong one right after another! Second within 3 hours of us leaving Miriah had a boy over and her aunt Tera caught that immediately. I guess that she can't get by with that with Dave and Tera up the road along with Alan and Terri down the street, so bye bye to the boy. Third was that Joe received a call from dispatch to go and tow a burnt car, so we called David and he went on the call.
Well........ David went out and the car was off the interstate on a dirt road. Well to make a story short he hit a cow and on the way back from loading the car almost hit another. Glad to report he is OK!
Tow truck damage.
I don't know if I should be laughing....but hillarious!
It wasn't funny people!!!
It was funny David! And I'm the owner of the truck ok well Joe is. :)
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